Friday, March 15, 2013

The little green monster

Jealousy. Its a plague affecting one person after another. Maybe its human nature to always look for something just out of reach and want it. But that doesn't make it right.
Doesn't make it ok to be mad about the fact that someone has a better complexion than you. Or that they have something you want. And then you just want them to go away and somehow disappear from your life with the snap of your fingers. Its like wishing for a million bucks to fall out of the sky, im sorry but its not happening. Or when someone has something you don't, you feel need the need to down talk them because if you cant have what they have, you cant just let them be happy you have to down grade them ( human nature perhaps?) We've all felt envy at least once in our lives. Some a lot more some a lot less. it may be the little green monster inside of you but its also one of the main reasons for being sad. I mean you see someone in a nice car and you think " why don't i have that car? What am i doing wrong? What makes me different from them?"  And then your sad and you try and some day you actually get the car and you're feeling awesome as you cruise down the freeway, until you hit a red light look around and suddenly realize that the guy next to you has a better car than you. Its a cycle and if it doesn't end then a person cant really be happy until they see what they have around them and appreciate it.

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